You all know how I love a good repurpose project. I like being frugal but I also like knowing I’m not creating or adding to all the landfills. I’ve been asked several times where I found the items I have used in my projects so I thought I’d share here with you all to encourage you to find great items to repurpose. This is a round up post full of projects from other bloggers and myself that will include 7 great places to find items to repurpose.
1. Curb Side Specials
The best deals are free right? You’ve heard the saying “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” It is so true. Here in our neighborhood we have heavy trash pick up on the first Tuesday (trash day) of the month. You know what I’m doing Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings? Yep, I’m driving around to see what my neighbors want to get rid of. Just last week I saw a few broken dressers, a desk, lots of mattresses (Ew, I don’t recommend picking up mattresses) chairs, old tvs, and broken nightstand. I grabbed the drawer from the broken nightstand, the rest I didn’t have the storage space or a need for at this time.
A. Some how it is always raining when there are good things at the curb. A few years ago I grabbed a mirror in the rain and made a Chalkboard Menu Board.
B. Jennifer from Town and Country Living made a game table for her porch from something her hubby rescued from the curb.
C. Recently I shared how my husband and I found a headboard by the curb and the bench we created from it.
2. Craigslist
I want to start this section with warning to use extreme caution meeting and buying things from Craigslist. No deal is worth your life and safety. If the item you want is too large to meet in a safe location please take another adult with you and try to scope out the area before the scheduled meet up. Be SAFE!!! I have a list of things I regularly search for on Craigslist. Not trying to offend anyone but a trick is to misspell what you are searching for too. Look in unusual categories for items too. You never know what you will find.
A. This was one of my first big projects shared here on At Home with Sweet T. I love this Photo Door, I get compliments on it all the time. I paid $20 dollars for this 15 pane door that I found in craft category.
B. Craigslist is full of deals including free deals. I found a lady that wanted to get rid of her crib because crib regulations changed and she couldn’t sell hers since it had the drop down side. I wasn’t going to use it for sleeping babies. I used a few parts from the crib to make a place for my daughter to display her swim ribbons.
3. Friends and Family
It’s all in who you know? Well when it comes to obtaining great repurposing it is. If you are looking for something particular then let some friends and family know. They might keep their eye out for other friends or family looking to get rid of things or be ready themselves to make changes in their home. Most of my friends and family know not to toss things. I just scored a large mirror this week thanks to a friend (Thanks Amy!) that I can’t wait to put to good use. She was going to take it to Goodwill but decided to offer it to me first. Yay!
A. Repurposing is just giving new life to an item. Lauren over at Thinking Closet gave new life to her aunt’s purse. The purse had sentimental value to Lauren and now she has a cute purse to use and I’m sure when she uses the purse does so in loving memory of her aunt.
B. When I made this sorta famous Bread Tin I asked my mom if she had any empty popcorn tins. I now have a couple others in my stash, she had several that she was keeping but didn’t know what for.
C. I would gladly accept things to be repurposed as gifts. My husband brought home two old 6 pane windows he found on a jobsite. We joke now that he can bring home trash instead of flowers. One window is hanging above our bed after some Looking Glass Spray paint and some vinyl and we have our You & Me Window.
4. Thrift Stores
I feel pretty lucky to have so many Goodwill stores so close to me. There are about 4 near me, or near places I visit often or where I run errands. There are times when I feel like a regular there. If you have the time to visit regularly it is a good idea, it makes spotting the new items easier. And you can become friendly with the staff to let you know when something you might be interested in has come in.
A. The very creative Dinah from DIY Inspired is no stranger to thrift stores. She has a lot of great projects on her blog that started from a visit to the thrift store, like these Tea Cup Bird Feeders.
B. Katie from The Homespun Hydrangea is thrifty too. I love this kitchen stool.
C. I was able to make two different holiday projects from some thrifted sweaters. See my Sweater Pumpkins and my Sweater Carrots.
D. Susan finds great things at thrift stores and makes them fit her needs. She shared on her blog Organized 31 how she turned a skirt into a zippered pouch.
5. Garage Sales
I love garage sale season. It seems like every year you will start to see garage sale signs pop up around Easter weekend. There are online garage sales year round on facebook and I’ve even seen some on Instagram. If you buy something from an online garage sale site please remember what I said above about Craigslist, Be SAFE! Rules for the neighborhood garage sale are different from online garage sale though. If you’ve ever had your own garage sale you know people like to bargain with you. So don’t be afraid to offer a lower price, can’t hurt to ask. Chances are they just want to get rid of all that stuff and will give you a deal.
A. The creative sisters from Just 2 Sisters put good use to some scrabble tiles bought at a garage sale with these dishwasher magnets.
B. I was super excited when I scored this oval picture frame at a garage sale for a few bucks. I love how organized all my earrings are while still looking pretty with my Lace Earring Organizer.
6. Your Home
That’s right before you toss something, think if it could fit or be made to fit a different need in your home. If something is broken can you fix it or do you know someone who can? Or be that friend or family memember from #3 above, can you think of someone who could give what you don’t want new life?
A. Dawn from by Dawn Nicole knew better than to throw out some old dresser drawers. She repurposed them to be Raised Herb Beds.
B. I can’t believe these cute planters are made from tin cans. Kat from the creative duo at Home Made Interest did such a good job on these.
C. We could have tossed this side table that we ruined by not using coasters but I updated it with some paint and wrapping paper, now it’s pretty and useful again.
D. I love Melissa’s unique idea with an old door she found out back. It looks amazing now as a display for Instagram photos on Bless this Mess.
7. Flea Markets
I added this last to my list as a reminder to go to a flea market. Every Sunday morning on the way to church we drive through a small town that has a flea market and every Sunday morning I say “darn I wish I would remember to get up earlier and stop by and check this out because every Sunday morning I have my nose pressed to the glass quickly searching all the goodies. When I put out a request to other bloggers for repurposed items, I got several projects to share in all the categories but for flea markets. huh? Do you shop at flea markets?
Thanks for stopping by At Home with Sweet T!!!