Why You Need a Laundry Schedule
Recently I told you about how I’m working towards a better me (Eat Better, Move More), where I shared a plan for myself. More than just eating and exercising I need to get more organized/routine/scheduled etc. An easy thing that I have done that is working great is to create…
Eat Better and Move More in 2016
I know just about everyone has a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight. I have more that once and maybe it worked for awhile but the truth is I in horrible shape, and not that healthy. So I put together a plan to Eat Better and Move More in 2016…
3 Great Ways to Repurpose a Candle Stick
As I am repurposing, and crafting with the items I was sent for the next Thrift Store Swap I was thinking about what I had sent to Lindsay and what she might do with those items. Just to refresh your memory the Thrift Store Swap is a fun idea where…
Welcome Home Wednesdays Linky Party #15
It’s that wonderful time of the week again. Wednesdays are so much fun because it is your turn to share with 6 blogs what you have been up to on your blog. I do hope you all enjoy sharing with us but also I hope you are visiting some other…
Cherry Cola Jello
I have always enjoyed cherry flavoring added to a good soda like Coca-Cola. So when I was challenged to make a recipe with Coca-Cola, it had to be with cherry. This Cherry Cola Jello is just as delicious! The red from the cherry jello looks just like peppermint candies so…
A Kid Craft for Emotions
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #InsideOutEmotions #CollectiveBias I was so excited when the movie Inside Out came out on DVD because we hadn’t seen it yet. So I did what any smart mom would do and ran out to Walmart…
A Lesson in Teacher Gifts
f your assignment this year is to find the perfect gift for the teachers in your life or your children’s lives then sit up and pay attention to this Lesson in Teacher Gifts! Let’s spoil those who are way underpaid for all the time they give. Did you know I…
Welcome Home Wednesdays Linky Party #13
Welcome Home Wednesdays Linky Party #13, time to share and get shared!!! Thanks so much for joining us each week and sharing your hard work with us. Meet your Fabulous Hosts! DIY Just Cuz @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram MidMichigan Mom @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram Sequins in the South @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram At Home with Sweet T @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram Happily Ever After, Etc. @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram Five…
Gift Guides and Giveaways
It’s better to give than to receive right? But it’s so hard to find the right gift to give to everyone. This year there will be over 30 gift guides full of ideas for your friends and families. And what’s even better than that each guide will have a giveaway…
Spider Candy Bowl
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TrickOrSweet #CollectiveBias To most spiders are scary and spooky that’s why this year there’s been sort of a spider theme going for our Halloween decor. I needed just one more thing, something to hold…