Photo door

I’m am so excited to show you why I am in love with Craigslist!!! I stalk Craigslist, yep I even have the app on my phone. I browse random categories looking for treasures. Recently, I found a 15 glass panel, old, and dirty door in the Arts & Crafts category. I wish I could post the original listing but I forgot to save it.
Once I saw this beauty in person I knew it would be the perfect “frame” for our family pictures.
Here’s the door all set up and ready to be sanded and scraped:
It is so nice to be married to a carpenter, he’s got every tool imaginable (even though he thinks he needs more.) He set me up with his sanders and scrapers and I got right to work.
Right away, a beautiful mint green color was revealed under the dirt and top coat of white. Sadly the mint color wasn’t over that entire side of the door. I played with the tools and the mint side and eventually decided to see what the other side looked like sanded down. This was the side meant to frame my family portraits.
The door was a little too long for it’s place on our wall. So, hubby measured from the top of the door to the first glass pane and cut the bottom of the door to be the same. Then, he remounted the hinges to be evenly spaced and used the hinges to carefully hang the door on our wall.
Here she is all sanded, scraped,cleaned and skillfully hung on our wall:
So, now we had the tough task of family portraits on a tight budget. It just so happens that my sister in law has access to a fancy dancy camera and we talked her into bringing it along to a family get together at my husband’s parents. Their property is so beautiful and it was a perfect day. I was worried I wouldn’t have 15 photos to fill all the spots but it turns out I struggled to narrow it down to only 15. I edited the pictures to the best of my abilities, left some in color and turn some to black & white. Then, I went crazy for a week looking at empty glass panes and waiting for the photos to arrive. I literally took these pictures from the mailbox to being matted and in place in about an hour. I love it!!!
What do you think?!?!
Have a great week!

One Comment

  1. What size photos did you use? Im in the process of doing this exact thing. Thank you

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